Thy shall Love SPORTS

Miami is HEATing Up

Someone at my real job asked me "How can I like the Miami Heat,when during the series I was a Celtics fan." I responded, "Make no mistake about it, I am a Celtics fan, I bleed green but I am a Lebron fan, not a Cavaliers fan, so wherever Lebron Go, my fanship is going." I am soooo over the "Lebron Mania" and everybody and their person opinions. So why am I voicing mines?..Because I never get tired of my own opinion. There are so many players in the NBA who don't play for their hometown so why are people so upset? Lebron made the best decision for the KING and the KING needs a ring and the only way right now that is going to happen,is if he goes to Miami. I think Lebron did way to much for the Cavs and he over stayed his welcome. 7 years and NO ring, you cant not expect someone to be the TEAM. Lebron is great but he can not pull a whole team by himself.

Little Mr. Angry man,Dan Gilbert took out his frustration on Lebron when he found out he was not coming back to the Cavs. In my heart, its all about the money and a job, Lebron showed up, did his job and he has the right to leave, he was a free agent after all. With Lebron being a free agent, did the Cavaliers think he would really stay around forver??? In the 7 years Lebron was with the CAVS, they SOLD OUT every home game and now they probably wont even sell 70% of tickets.

Now I may be wrong but I believe Lebron, Wade, and Bosh all went first round when they came out of school and was 1,4 &5 ( I may be off, if I am you can google it and correct me), and all became free agents and now all are with the MIAMI HEAT. All coincidence??..... WHO CARES. Bottom line my top 3 teams I will see in the series this year are the LAKERS HEAT N CELTICS. That's a pre-season assumption.

A lot of people think the HEAT wont take it all this year because they have to learn how to play with each other first, my response "That's what summer practice and practice is for." money is on_______. I think its possible they can get that ring this year, no doubt about it.

The CAVS can hang it up, you guys had one of the BEST players in the NBA and you had 7 years to build a team around him and you wasn't able to do that, so quit the boo-hooing and start buying your MIAMI HEAT jerseys.